Perl script to create a partition on disks on multiple Linux host in parallel

use Time::Local;
use Parallel::ForkManager;
package main;  

  if ( @ARGV != 1 ) {
 $! = 1;
 die "USAGE: <> profilepath \n"; #->profile is nothing but a list form of VM ipaddress or FQDN
$profile = shift(@ARGV);
print $profile;
print $ostype;

open (TR, "<$profile") or die "Test list is not found please create one or run the configuration";
close (TR);
$file = "log_partition.txt";

   if (! open (LOG, ">>$file"))
    print "logprint: could not write to log file: $file!\n";
  print LOG " Starting disk paritioning";
  close LOG;

print "\n There are total of $listofvm VM it will start performing the task";
$max_forks = new Parallel::ForkManager(5);

foreach $testuuid (@listuuid){
	$max_forks->start and next; #->multithreading you can run n number of machine
        chomp $testuuid;
	    $disks="fdisk -l | grep 'Disk /dev/sd' ";
	    $disk_count="fdisk -l | grep 'Disk /dev/sd' | wc -l ";
	    &printlog("Running $disk_count");
	    &printlog("Running $disks");
	    $total_disk= &plink($testuuid,$disks);
	    $nummber_disk= &plink($testuuid,$disk_count);
	    &printlog ("Total number disk for the machine $testuuid $nummber_disk");
		print $nummber_disk;
		print "Total number of disk to be partition is $disk_to_operate";
		&printlog ("Total number of disk to be partition is $disk_to_operate");
		print "Running the parition";
		for ($i=1;$i<=$disk_to_operate;$i++)
			$mkdir ="mkdir \/disk-$i";
			print "\n $mkdir";
		while ($disk_to_operate!=0)
		print "\n /dev/sd$dd \n";
		$disk_part=" echo -e 'o\\nn\\np\\n1\\n\\n\\nw' \| fdisk \/dev\/sd$dd ";
		print "$disk_part";
		print"\n Running the filesystem parition ";
		$part="mkfs\.xfs -f \/dev\/sd$dd$pt";
		print "\n $part";
		sleep 2;
		$mount= "mount \/dev\/sd$dd$pt \/disk-$j ";
		print "$mount";
		for ($k=1;$k<=$no_of_disk;$k++)
				for ($f=0;$f<=1;$f++)
		$datagen= " dd if=\/dev\/urandom of=\/disk-$k\/random-file-1GB-$f.txt count=1024 bs=1M & ";
		print $datagen;
		&plink ($testuuid,$datagen);
         #system(" dd if=/dev/urandom of=/disk-5/random-file-40G.txt count=1000 bs=4M & ");
}	$max_forks->wait_all_children;
sub plink ($)
		   my $server=shift;
		   my $run_command=shift;
			print $run_command;
			my $user = "root";
			my $password = "psswd";
			my $plink="plink";
			print $run_command;
			print "\n Verify the platform Win or Linux";
			if ($ostype eq 'MSWin32')
				print "\n The platform is windows";
			$ssh_command = qx(echo n | $plink -ssh -v -pw $password $user\@$server "$run_command");
			print $ssh_command;
		    return $ssh_command;
			}if ($ostype eq 'linux')
$ssh_command1=" sshpass -p $password ssh  -o StrictHostKeychecking=no -t root\@$server '$run_command'";
				system ($ssh_command1);
		} #end of plinkexec

sub printlog ($)
	my $string = shift(@_);
   	my $file = "log_partition.txt";
   	#print $file;
    print $string;
    $date = scalar(localtime);
	$date =~ s/\s+/_/g;
	$date =~ s/::/_/;
   if (! open (LOG, ">>$file"))
    print "logprint: could not write to log file: $file!\n";
    print "$string";
    return 1;
  print LOG " $string";
  close LOG;
  print "$string";

  return 0;